Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I've been busy busy busy!!!

I have been a shopping fool!!! I have gone to almost every Value World in the Detroit Area scrounging for goodies for my bags. Sorry if you came to those stores after me.........I cleaned them out of sweaters, belts, and leather coats............oh boy what a productive month for shopping. Not very productive for actual bag making in the last month. But I got a lot of "seeds" for my bags. I will be having many many bags this year.

My goal is to sell 500 bags.......yes that is right five hundred. Anybody want to come work with me? I need washers for my sweaters and people to sew the inside of my bags. I am wanting to trade services for a while. Your motto needs to be "will work for bags!!!;)"
This was the first few stores....
For my leather garden. OOOHhhhhhh yummy leather!!! That is about 12-15 leather coats.

That is my oldest in the middle of my entry way in a mountain.....or a sea of sweaters. He is pretty big too, he is 8. So it is a sizable sea.
Have you ever felt like someone has picked your house up and shook it like a snow globe and then put it back down again and said........"could you clean this up?" That has been my month away from blogging. I am hoping to share with you some "after" photos. I could never show the before.....a little to "real" for my bloggy friends. Well actually I guess I have given you a taste with these photos of my entry way..... I have been trying to move my bag making operation from the small bedroom 10x10 to the basement that is a bit larger.
Hope you all had a beautiful February and are ready for a "green" March. I would love that for up here but things do not start getting green until May.


Mary said...

Hi Cindy,

What a haul! I wish I could find some nice wool sweaters like that in the UK so I could try your tutorial.

I hope you achieve your goal, if I didn't live the other side of the world I would offer my help.

I can't wait to see your new creations.


Darcy said...

Ok, that entry way is insane! I can't believe all that you found!
I too wish I lived closer (or that you lived closer to me:) and I would come help you too!