Thursday, September 25, 2008

New bags

Finally. I was able to make some bags. This is my newest applique, the bird.

Bird on a limb.......$85.00 Sold!!!! Thanks Jennifer (not my sister but an actual Etsy customer!!)

I love this bag's pocket on the front. It was part of the sweater. So I will be looking for more of these sweaters. This one may get an eye added, I am not sure.
Do you think she needs one? eye that is.

Brown with orange and green flower........$115.00 Sold!!! To Diana
You may laugh at me for this one, but I actually made this bag for Amy Butler, even though I have never met her. I just really like her stuff. This might be going into the shop at SoBo Style and it has her fabric in it, unless there is someone out there that contacts me to get it first. I dont know if she will ever own it, but I was thinking of her having it when I made it. So Amy, if you are out there seeing this and would like it, let me know.
I absolutely LOVE her fabrics. This is a big bag. When my honey gets home I will have him take a picture of me holding the bag. This is the fabric on the inside of both of these bags.


Darcy said...

I think she needs a little button eye, maybe a blue one.
I LOVE these bags! What beautiful designs!

TiLT said...

Hey - I am seeing double...I just "rocked" you on craftster with the birdie bag...very cute - as always...wish I could do the's a fave style, but I just can pull off making it.

cindygert said...


Thanks. I put a purple/burgundy button for the eye. I did not have a blue one to put on it.


cindygert said...


You rock!! Thanks for rockin my birdie bag. I really like it. I am going to make few of them. Now your comment about pulling it off, are you talking about making it or wearing it?
