Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Sorry its been so long for a new post. I have had 2 shows in the last month. That keeps me pretty busy.
I went to the first business fair at my son's school. It was a great success for me. I sold 4 bags (only 60 people walked through this fair). Also one of the ladies wants to host a party.
This picture here is all of items that I had. I had too many items for this table. Everytime I go to one of these I learn a lot. I ended up purchasing some shelves for display. And I will ot be using baskets and tubs anymore....yikes. That looks pretty bad in this picture.

These are the bags that sold.

Stephanie purchased the me of the mommy and me.

Michelle got the large oatmeal bag with flower and vintage button. She was the big winner of the night. She won my gift certificate that they were raffling off. Congratulations Michelle!
My next certificate give away will be at the auction on April 12. Actually it will be a purse but the person that wins can exchange it for a purse of similiar value or they can pay the difference.

Kayla got my first spring bag of the season. I love these new spring bags.

I carry one myself.

Debbie got the mommy of the mommy and me. And no she is definately not Stephanie's mom. I decided to break them up because there were two women there that wanted one of each.

Thanks for all of your encouragement and for purchasing one of my bags ladies. I cant wait for your party Stephanie.